I think Fringe is one of the best new trends in fashion. First of all, it just looks like a lot of fun. It has movement, it has drama, and it kind of makes it look like every day is a celebration. It is also a noticeably new look, as opposed to a new way of pairing what you already have.
All the pictures are from Intermix, as they have done an especially great job with the fringe trend.

But there will be no shortage of ways to wear it or carry it this Spring.

Last but not least, for the brave and/or confident, you can wear more than one piece with fringe at a time.

So, if there’s one new thing you want to add this season, I would recommend it be something in fringe. It goes with what you already have, it’s an obvious, fun way to update, and you’ll be really bummed if you miss it : )
Here’s another link to Intermix if you’d like to find any of the pieces pictured in this blog.